Enhance Your Problem Solving: Guide To The 1-3-1 Method

The 1-3-1 method is a collaborative and engaging problem solving framework.
The 1-3-1 method offers a structured approach to tackle problems and find innovative solutions. In this article, we present a step-by-step guide to the 1-3-1 method, and how it can empower individuals and teams to overcome obstacles with confidence and efficiency.

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Are you stuck on how to solve a problem? Try using the 1-3-1 method, a simple formula for solving and communicating problems and solutions.

The 1-3-1 method offers a structured approach to tackle problems and find innovative solutions. In this article, we present a step-by-step guide to the 1-3-1 method, and how it can empower individuals and teams to overcome obstacles with confidence and efficiency.

Step 1: Define the Problem

The first step in the 1-3-1 method is to clearly define the problem. Take the time to understand the root cause, the impact it has on the organisation, and the desired outcome. Key to effective problem solving is clearly defining what success looks like. Once defined, it is easy to measure problem solving progress and evaluation.

Step 2: Generate Three Potential Solutions

Next, brainstorm three potential solutions to the problem. An effective framework for doing this is the design thinking principle. Encourage creativity and think outside the box. Consider different perspectives, gather insights from team members, and explore various possibilities. Remember, the aim is to generate multiple options that have the potential to address the problem effectively.

Step 3: Evaluate and Rank

Now it’s time to evaluate three potential solutions and rank them based on their feasibility, potential impact, and alignment with the desired outcome. Consider the resources required, potential risks, and the likelihood of success. This evaluation process will help you identify the most promising solution to move forward with.

Step 4: Develop a Detailed Plan

Having identified the most viable solution, it’s time to develop a detailed plan of action. Break down the solution into smaller, manageable steps and assign responsibilities to team members. Set clear timelines, milestones, and metrics to track progress. A well-defined plan ensures everyone is aligned and focused on achieving the desired outcome.

Step 5: Execute and Evaluate

Once the plan is in place, execute it with precision and monitor progress along the way. Regularly evaluate the effectiveness of the chosen solution and make adjustments as needed. This iterative process ensures continuous improvement and increases the chances of achieving the desired outcome.

The 1-3-1 Method
Problem solving framework; The 1-3-1 Method

The 1-3-1 problem-solving method provides individuals and teams with a clear and structured approach to tackle complex challenges. By defining the problem, generating three potential solutions, evaluating and ranking them, developing a detailed plan, and executing with precision, obstacles can be overcome with confidence and efficiency.

Remember, problem-solving is not a one-time event but an ongoing process. Add the 1-3-1 method to your problem-solving toolbox, and let it guide you towards innovative solutions and winning outcomes.

Framework based Problem Solving

Frameworks are an efficient form of problem solving. They deliver set formulas for identifying, hypothesizing, and solving real world challenges. It is important to note that not all frameworks are universally applicable and that developing a diverse range of frameworks is core to efficient problem solving.

If your team wants to learn more about problem solving or would like education and guidance on a specific provocation, talk to our team of consultants.

Contact our team and explore how we can help your business strategically solve problems and win.

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